What is it that we want to do with our curriculum?
We believe that education belongs in the hands of families not politicians.
And, if you are an adult, that self-education is a wise and wonderfully fulfilling form of furthering your education level.
We do not have glasses, a lab coat, or a lot of degrees. We are not experts. And that is a good thing.
The academics have kept all their grand knowledge to themselves up in their high towers and they have been the ones in charge of our disastrous education system.
People have asked us before what makes us qualified to teach our own children. After all, people go to college for those kinds of things. How dare we step in and pretend that we can do a better job?
Well, frankly, considering the state of education in our country, ANYONE could be doing a better job.
If having a teaching degree makes you qualified to teach, then what is their excuse for being such failures?
At least, by our definition they are failures, to themselves they seem to be great martyrs and heroes. They are constantly getting their backs patted and people talk about how they sacrifice themselves for the good of our nation and do not get paid enough. Meanwhile, if their children in their class cannot read, they get to keep their jobs!
In any other job, failure equals dismissal, but not for teachers. Let’s just keep throwing money on the bonfire called education and watch it burn!
We are qualified to teach our children because God chose us to be their parents and we take that gift and responsibility very seriously. No one, regardless of their degrees, will ever be able to love our children as we do and so they are unqualified to guide them into the future God has planned for them.
We believe in what our founding fathers believed in. Teach your own children to read, write and do arithmetic and then they will be prepared to do anything they want to do with their lives.
What we want to do with our curriculum is provide resources for families and individuals who want to learn and understand our language deeply. But, we do this through a program that is written for the common person to be able to use. No pre-requisite of Latin and Greek required!